Posts Tagged ‘single page checkout’

Ecommerce Software: Single Page Checkout

April 9, 2009

There are many benefits to having your checkout system being a single page, and without question one of the biggest benefits is that it will be easier to use. Having a difficult checkout process will certainly hurt your business. With the society we live in, we want things to be as easy as possible. We have check cards which almost everyone uses right now. When we go to large retail stores, we have people that place items in bags for us, multiple lines, it is quick and it is easy. The online ecommerce checkout system must be similar as well.

One of the biggest problems that you will face online when you do not have a single page checkout system is that you will quickly find that you are losing traffic. Regardless of how beautiful your pages are, I have never seen a page which did not lose some elements of traffic. This is referred to as a bounce rate. For example, if a page has a bounce rate of 0%, then means that 0% of the people who visit this page are leaving the website while on the page. 100% would mean that everyone who visits that page is leaving to go to another website when they go to it. Any page with a lot of traffic going to it will never have a 0% bounce rate. With a lengthy checkout process, you are losing more traffic with each page they have to go through to buy your product. On a single page checkout, you might have a 60% bounce rate, but on a multiple page checkout system, you may only get a fraction of the 60% who may have purchased your item.

There are a few reasons why this may happen. One of the biggest reasons is that people begin second guessing themselves about the purchase. Especially if it is an expensive item, people will contemplate whether they really need that item just before they put in their credit card. The lengthier the checkout process, the more time you give them to decide they no longer really need or want the product. The quicker you can get them interested and through the checkout, the more likely you will avoid this problem.

Another problem is that more and more people are using the internet to buy things. Many people may be buying from you who have never bought anything online before. This may be a strange thought to you, but particularly in ecommerce, this is always a good possibility. Since this is the case, they are used to having people help them during checkout processes. After a few pages of going through a checkout, they may quickly decide that they are not sure that they are doing things properly and just go elsewhere. Again, you are losing a valuable customer simply because your checkout process is too long and too difficult to complete.

Lastly, the vast majority of multiple page checkouts look very unprofessional in comparison to single page checkouts. Often times they are simply used because they came with some type of ecommerce software. You really do not need users to create accounts for any particular reason, or you may not need some information that is requested. Most people will quickly call you out on these types of things and may leave all together if they feel that they are being asked questions that do not need to be asked for their purchase. I would encourage you to get rid of parts of a checkout form that you know you will not need. Developers are capable of doing this very inexpensively so that you can be sure to get the most of those who are contemplating buying your products.

Grow your online business with software web designers love: ecommerce shopping cart software, content management system software, and email marketing software by Interspire.

Understanding the E-commerce Software: Single Page Checkout

March 30, 2009

Today, E-commerce technology has transformed the way customers shop online. While online shopping used to be such a taxing and intimidating experience, it has turned into a friendly and easy experience for people. As a result, the number of shoppers has significantly increased. With the convenience and simplicity it offers, it is inevitable that people would prefer it over traditional shopping.

Over the years, many customers complain and clamored for a faster, better way to shop online. In an attempt to resolve this problem, a breakthrough in E-commerce technology was made. With the development of the single page checkout system, the ease and convenience is taken to a whole new level for every customer. We will no longer have to worry about waiting for at least a couple of minutes just to pay for a certain product or service. We only need to fill out payment information in a single page, without the hassles of having to click pages, which is typical of the 3-step payment process.

A single page checkout, also called one-page, single-step or single-screen checkout, is an internet checkout portal that is one can find in a single page. Just like any online checkout, customers will be able to pay by logging into an account or a guest account if the customer is not a member. A single page checkout allows a customer to information pertaining to billing, shipping and payment. It can be used in various applications such as Flash and the regular HTML.

Here are some simple guidelines you can use when you decide to get a single page checkout for your online shop.

1. The single page checkout should be simple and precise. If the checkout still takes a long time to fill out due to so many extensions, it will just be like the traditional checkout system. Remember, the more time a customer spends to pay for a product, the higher the chances of losing the customer along the way.

2. Sections should be clearly set apart from other sections. Regardless of what type of application you will use, you should make the checkout sections distinguishable from others. For example, the billing should be placed in one area and shipping should be placed in another. Delineation should be clear to avoid confusion.

3. Offer the traditional checkout system to your customers just in case. Although the single page is obviously better than the older one, some customers just feel more comfortable with it so you should offer this option in order to give customers flexibility.

When online shops provide simple, no hassle checkouts, more and more people will be likely to buy their product or service. This amazing technology not only makes payment a one-step process, it also provides other great features. For one, it offers accessibility, which makes it easier to log into the account anytime, anywhere. Next, it accepts all kinds of payment options available online such as payments through credit and debit cards. Third, it accepts credit and debit card payments which allow wider options for customers. Fourth, it provides real-time shipping information such as price quotes from major couriers. Fifth, it can accept coupons and gift certificate codes so you can conveniently use these if you have them. While not applicable to all, some shops even offer payments in multiple currencies.

Grow your web business with ecommerce shopping cart software, content management system software, and email marketing software by Interspire.

Why Businesses Choose Single Page Checkout

March 30, 2009

A single page checkout means a customer can purchase an item using one page checkout only. It is different and a lot better than the old checkout system that has so many pages to go to first before the actual payment is received. Online ecommerce sites utilizing this feature can generate more sales. It is quite functional and user friendly. No need to look into long checkout processes because it has everything necessary for a payment transaction in just a single page.

As mentioned, the single page checkout has very simple set up. In the checkout page, you will find all the information needed to be filled out for the transaction to go through- billing information, shipping information, shipping method and the total amount that needs to be paid. So the only thing a customer needs to do is put in all the required information and that’s about it. The simplest thing ever made for e-commerce!

The single page checkout actually has many advantages. For one, single page checkouts are fast. Customers only need to type in their information such as their name, address and credit or debit card number. There is no need to click on so many things before the payment process is done. Next, it is convenient. If they are repeat customers, their information are already stored somewhere and they will not have to go through the hassle of filling out information again. Once the software detects that you are the same person, it will automatically find your information in its storage system. Lastly, it guarantees better conversion rates. In the traditional online checkout, it takes about 3-4 pages before the customer can actually buy the product. This is obviously giving the customers more reason to think whether they should really buy the product or not. Studies show that half of the customers waiting for the payment to go through change their mind and as a result, it is a loss of sales. With a single page checkout, people are not given time to change their minds so you get more sales coming your way.

There are still some that argue about the efficiency of a single page checkout. Many would say that it does not really reduce the time spent on the transaction because you have to input the same number of information anyway. While this may be true, it is still correct to say that with a single page checkout, there is lesser amount of clicks to be made and definitely, you get better sales and inventory. It may take some time for people to get used to the single page checkout but once they do, they will realize that it is simply a lot better than the steps checkout.

With single page checkout, you are assured of a better experience for your customers. There is no need for them to wait for long before their payment has been processed. Customer satisfaction is significantly increased and with that, you will be sure to find and retain more customers.

Grow your web business with ecommerce shopping cart software, content management system software, and email marketing software by Interspire.

One Page Checkout Bonuses

February 16, 2009

Knowing what the right thing to do in your ecommerce site is always challenging. Your number one goal is to bring in customers and have them make a purchase on the site. However, there are so many variables involved that webmasters can never quite know 100% what is working and what is turning customers away. If you currently have a very high conversion of those who shop and buy on your site then you may not need to change anything. However, if you are finding that a large percentage of shoppers fill up their carts only to abandon them during the checkout process then you will certainly want to look at your checkout process. Is it too time consuming? Do you request too much personal information? What is involved in the checkout process that turns shoppers away and makes them abandon their cart? These are all questions that need answers and finding the answers is the only way to ensure that you are doing the best to convert shoppers into buyers on your site.

Anonymous Checkout
One option you might consider including on your site is the anonymous checkout, sometimes referred to as the guest checkout. This is very appealing to many shoppers because they aren’t required to create an account, fill out forms of personal information, wait for a confirmation email, and then confirm their account with the site. Instead, they can simply check out as a guest and only fill out a form for their credit card information and home address. It’s as easy as that and shoppers are able to remain anonymous and checkout fast and easy. This is not a method that has been widely accepted by websites because most sites are worried about getting your contact information and finding out who you are. However, more sites are realizing that customers like the anonymous checkout option and will leave your site to look for another site that offers it.

Quick Checkout
Another advantage of one page checkout is that it saves time. Today, people are busier than ever and they don’t want to spend time on your ecommerce site filling out forms, taking surveys, and doing your marketing research for you. Instead, they want to pick out their product, fill out the payment form, and be done. A checkout process that may be completed in a couple minutes or less is highly desirable and one that will be very popular and bring in more shoppers. Don’t worry about creating an email list or tricking customers into providing you with a lot of information. Instead, let them choose what information to give you and how they want to check out. You will fare better and receive more customers and overall sales as a result.

Written by: Aaron Goldberg

Learn how you can increase your Internet business with ecommerce shopping cart software and email marketing software by Interspire.

Why You Should Use a One Page Checkout

February 16, 2009

Does your website use a multi page checkout process and you are looking for reasons why you should change? Many times ecommerce sites feel they are doing fine with the checkout process they have and believe the information they receive from customers being required to sign up for an account overpowers the customers they lose who didn’t want to waste their time. However, this is not totally the case and should actually be looked into in more depth. Ecommerce sites that require customers to sign up, create an account, confirm their account, and then make the purchase frequently find shopping carts abandoned. There could be many reasons why this occurs but in most cases it is because the checkout process takes too long. If you really want to improve sales and reduce cart abandonment significantly then you need to consider a one page checkout.

A one page checkout allows websites all the information they need while providing customers with a fast and easy way to buy their merchandise. For example, on a one page checkout the website may include information like shipping and billing, a drop down link for where the shopper heard about the site and even a few other dropdown links that would provide pertinent marketing information to the website. Also, the website could provide frequent shoppers with the option of saving their credit card information on the site to make future checkouts even easier. This results in one click checkout for subsequent customers, which is certainly a draw to those who want to buy their merchandise and move on to something else.

Every website is looking for ways to increase their conversion rates and a one page checkout process will help significantly. You can also allow customers to checkout anonymously and while you won’t have any information on this particular customer for future marketing purposes you will have found a new customer simply because you allowed anonymous checkout. Many shoppers like to keep their anonymity and this type of checkout process is highly desired and looked for by ecommerce shoppers.

When you make shopping on your website easy then you will increase the number of customers who choose to shop with you. In fact, these shoppers will be your best form of advertisement because people talk and if you make it easy to checkout then word of mouth will help significantly in your advertising efforts. Go ahead and try a one page checkout and compare your numbers. More than likely you will see a higher conversion rate and more sales!

Written by: Aaron Goldberg

Learn how you can increase your Internet business with ecommerce shopping cart software and email marketing software by Interspire.

Incorporate One Page Checkout on Your Ecommerce Site

February 16, 2009

When you shop online do you ever leave items in your shopping cart because the checkout process is taking too long or requires too much information? This happens all the time and it is a big problem for ecommerce sites. It is referred to as cart abandonment and websites are constantly looking for ways to improve the checkout process and reduce the number of customers that abandon their carts. There are many ways to go about making checkout easier and faster, one of which is not requiring buyers to create an account. This is effective and saves a lot of time. When this is incorporated with a one page checkout then your ecommerce site will quickly become a site that has fewer cart abandonment issues simply because shoppers can get in and out fast and in a secure process. If you are wondering what benefits a one page checkout could offer your website then keep reading.

People shop online in order to save time, in many cases. Offering a one page checkout option will certainly allow shoppers to save a great deal of time and create positive feelings towards your website. If you are really interested in making the checkout process easier and faster for your customers as well as interested in keeping them around as customers then consider a one page checkout.

Sales Conversion
Sales conversion for website with a one page checkout as opposed to similar sites with multiple page checkout will vary significantly. The websites with a one page checkout will find that they see less shopping cart abandonment and that more customers complete their orders. Sites with multi page checkout processes will find cart abandonment to continue to be an issue. In fact, cart abandonment may occur with up to 50% of customers simply because it takes too long to check out.

Another benefit to one page checkout is using a shopping cart with memory that can store a customer’s credit card information and even their last purchases. This will make for even faster checkouts in the future and happy customers.

Don’t let your customers find other websites simply because your checkout process takes too much time. Instead, invest in a shopping cart and one page checkout that will make your customers happy and improve your sales!

Written by: Aaron Goldberg

Learn how you can increase your Internet business with ecommerce shopping cart software and email marketing software by Interspire.

One Page Checkout-The Basics

February 16, 2009

Ecommerce websites have a lot to focus on from getting customers to the site all the way through the checkout process. However, all too often ecommerce sites focus on ways to garner information from their customers during the checkout process, which can be time consuming and annoying. As a result, shopping cart abandonment is quite common. There are many ways a website can avoid this situation and one of the best is to use a one page checkout. This makes checking out easy, fast, and even enjoyable for customers. They will have their product ordered and paid for in little time at all and will enjoy shopping on your site because of the one page checkout. Gathering their personal information is not as important as providing a smooth and fast checkout process.

Think about it from the customer’s point of you. They have spent time looking for the product they want and finally found it on your site. They get ready to checkout only to have to spend their valuable time filling out forms and providing their personal information. After a couple of screens they are tired of the checkout process so what do they do? They find another website that makes checking out easier and not so involved! Customers are always right and the ecommerce site they are buying from does not need to know all of their personal information. So, they shop from sites that offer one page checkout. This will actually make them loyal to your site because you make checking out easy!

Now that you know what type of checkout customers are looking for you can start looking for a shopping cart that allows for a single page checkout. Not only will your website benefit from this, but so will your customers. You can actually build a bigger customer base by not collecting personal information than you can by requiring customers to fill out page after page of contact information, background info, and the like. It may seem counterintuitive, but it works so give it a try!

It is helpful to consider the websites you like the best when it comes to shopping online. More than likely you like the sites that do not require you to enter a lot of personal information and that can have you checked out in a single page. Now that you know this is an option try incorporating it on your site. More than likely you will find that your customers stick around through checkout and cart abandonment won’t be such a problem for your site!

Written by: Aaron Goldberg

Learn how you can increase your Internet business with ecommerce shopping cart software and email marketing software by Interspire.