Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

Crushing the Marketing Competition

March 17, 2009

Everything is set for the launching of your online store. You have the items readied, an Internet Merchant Account and Drop Shipping Provider waiting for the first transaction, a Shopping Cart Software customized for your site and a perfect website and domain name to lure your prospect customers into buying. You are one step away from your most awaited day but before getting into it, make sure you make the necessary marketing strategies so that it would indeed be a grand launching.

With the vast resources that we have right now, most especially with the help of the internet, we can market our business as much as we can, anyway we want to. Here is a list of some of the best and most effective ways of campaigning your market to success:

Observe Your Competitors

Check out their websites and see what has made their site popular to people. Check their statistics and try to improve whatever they have in the site. Be as objective as possible- if you liked their business then chances are many other people also liked it. Be a recipient of their mailing list and see what’s inside their list which makes the customers go back for more. Don’t think of their success as your downfall, be positive and smart- bank on their success. Begin with what they have and improve it.

Blog Your Way to Success

Blogging is free so why not take this chance and sell your products through content filled articles which can boost your online sales. With a blog, you don’t need to acquire new items for the customers to return to your site, all you need are contents which the customers would look forward to. Try making articles about the hottest and best selling items, try to segment them into pieces, releasing them say once or twice a week- and that would give customers something to look forward to. Tips about your items and many other topics can be posted in a blog. Just see to it that they are all somehow related to our business.

Get Inside Their Inboxes

It may sound illegal but it’s not. You may send them newsletters by inviting them on your mailing list. With the help of your newsletters, you can constantly update them with what’s going on in your business, what items are on sale, what items could give them the best deal, and all those marketing strategies needed to gravitate them into visiting your site. Links are very important and should be included in your newsletter. That way, they won’t need to type the site and search for it. One click will do and they will surely love it.

Pay Per Click Advertising

A pay per click advertising is a very efficient and cost-effective tool in marketing a certain business. Unlike having your website published magazines and pay for them at a fixed rate, PPM allows business owners to have their stores advertised and pay for them not on a fixed basis but on the number of responses which customers have made. It makes advertising a lot easier and cheaper.

Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are very common nowadays and are being utilized by people of all ages. Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Multiply- all these are valuable tools which an online seller can use to make more customers. Imagine millions of people visiting these sites on a daily basis? Well trying your luck through these social networking sites is worth the effort. And by saying worth the effort, I mean social networking sites are free to use, and all you need is a little effort on your part to make an account and customize your profile to suit your business.

There are many other strategies which can make your online business boom into success like posting demo videos and audios, search engine optimization, and the like. The mentioned strategies are the easiest and by far the most successful ways to market your online store.

A modern day gold rush, as we may call it- the online selling boom has overgrown many businesses and has attracted many business men to venture into this rapidly growing market. Furthermore, competition in this very liquid market is as tough as it is in the real world of physical businesses. And just like an ordinary competition, there are ways by which one can gain an edge over the other.

Can’t wait? Well work on these stuffs and surely, your store’s future success would be really worth the waiting. Good luck on your business venture!

Learn how you can increase your Internet business with ecommerce shopping cart software, content management system software, and email marketing software by Interspire.