Posts Tagged ‘ecommerce solutions’

Making Online Profits through a Profitable Website

April 6, 2009

Internet marketing is actually more than just advertising a certain product or service on the web, but it is a way to communicate to the world the value of a product or service. Most businesses realize that online marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies they could ever rely on. So for most ecommerce business operations, whether it is a large-scale business or individual sellers, having a website becomes a necessity.

Because competition is really tough in the world of business, sellers have to make it a point that their website is at par with the competition. The goal is to invite potential customers to view and explore the website, not to just let it pass them by. But having an aesthetically designed website doesn’t automatically mean it is profitable. You need to make sure it serves its purpose in effectively advertising the product. Otherwise, your website will end up getting unnoticed.

The first thing to take note is to showcase what you sell. Let customers have an easy access to the marketing page of your site. This should have a product or service description along with pricing and availability and most importantly, the benefits of the product. Make it easy for the potential buyers to land to the shopping site or a noticeable shopping order form. If this becomes a hassle for them, they will eventually close out your site and find a friendlier website with ease in accessibility.

Other than getting to the marketing page quickly, customers should also be able to easily navigate the site. In order to walk them through, it would be convenient to place a navigational bar on the home page. It is usually positioned on left portion of the home page where they can directly click on the page they want to check. To help them narrow down their research, a search bar or search function would be helpful.

Make sure that your website has a professional approach. Customers get attracted to eye-catchy images and illustrations but if it seem to look quite distracting due to its huge size and improper use of image, then that would make the site look messy and unattractive. Keep the website professionally neat just as how it would appear in printed form. The articles should make sense and be informative to the customers. This gives a positive impression and projects reliability of the company.

Talking about reliability, customers would appreciate it if there is a way your business can be contacted. Just as they would want to know the product, they also want to know who you are and how you can be reached. Customer service doesn’t end at the point of sale but most especially after the purchase. Provide a “Contact Us” tab or page on your site where they can find contact information such as phone number or email address for future reference. Having this attribute in your website will build credibility of the business operation.

Lastly, adding a feedback form would allow your customers to express what they think about your product or service. Their feedback will help a lot in improving your business.

Grow your online business with software web designers love: ecommerce shopping cart software, content management system software, and email marketing software by Interspire.

Choosing the Right Ecommerce Software

March 16, 2009

Choosing the right ecommerce software for you can be a difficult task. There are so many on the market, that it may come down to the small things that make the difference in your decision. However, I want to help you quickly narrow your search down to a select few. Start out with a list of shopping carts you have found and are contemplating using.

Find Ones That Work For You

First off, you should start out with a short list of things you would like the shopping cart to include. Try to be as specific as possible so that when looking at shopping carts, you know immediately if it will work for your needs or not. You should keep your list or requirements short, only focus on what is important to you. As you look at shopping carts, quickly mark off those that will not meet your needs.

Easy to Update

One of the reasons to go with third party ecommerce software is to make things easier on you. If you feel that the platform will be difficult for you to use, you may want to avoid going with that shopping cart. Put a star next to those that you think specialized in this area.

Give Their Customer Service a Test

Regardless of how experienced you are in development, you will undoubtedly have some questions regarding their platform. This is especially the case if your intentions are to eventually alter it in some manner. You will want to make sure they have adequate support to help you when needed.

Start out by just sending them a quick email asking them a few questions about their shopping cart. If you have legitimate questions, that is even better. If you are struggling to come up with questions, then simply ask them about the features you listed as being the most important to you.

Review how long it takes for them to reply and the quality of their response. If they take several days to respond, or do not respond at all, I would quickly mark them off of the list of possible shopping carts to use. If you feel they did an excellent job in answering the questions (rather than an automated type response) and did it in a timely manner, you might put a star next to that shopping cart.

Read Other Users Opinions

Lastly, never hesitate to get others opinions. Read reviews on the shopping carts you still have on the list to get an idea of what people liked or disliked about it. Good reviews are a good indication that you might have a good experience with them too. If you see too many negative reviews, I would mark them off of the list.

By this point, you should have a good idea of which shopping cart is best for you. You might take a careful look at those that are not crossed off of the list and have stars next to their name.

Learn how you can increase your Internet business with ecommerce shopping cart software, content management system software, and email marketing software by Interspire.