Archive for the ‘shopping cart software’ Category

Working with Ecommerce Developers

August 18, 2009

As a developer myself, I know a lot of the problems that developers might run into with clients. This is not to say that these things are easy to accomplish, however, it might give you a good idea on how to approach a developer. Before moving on, I want you to understand that I am not complaining about any clients. This is not meant to be a ranting article, but it is intended to give you an idea of how things are approached by other developers in the marketplace. Below is my idea of what you should be doing throughout the process of having your ecommerce website developed.

#1: Layout Exactly What You Want

I have seen a lot of people say, “Hey, I want a website.” The problem is though that they really do not know what they want. For example, I did a website for a young man who was starting up a local graphics company. I advised him that the ordering process should be simple and since all graphics are custom, it might be better to have more of a contact form than an order form. He bounced the ideas around, I ended up having to do the order form over again about three times before he was satisfied. It started out very complex, then went to the contact form, and finally ended with a compromise between the two. These are things you really should think about before you contact a developer though. Get an idea of what you like and what you do not like before you do anything. What I even prefer, is that my clients go out and find websites that they like. Then tell me what they like about them. It gives me a good idea of the design preference as well as the layout of the website.

#2: Be Decisive

In the example above, you may be wondering “Why did you ever get started before asking him what he wanted for the order form then?” In all actuality, I did. I was simply trying to satisfy what he wanted since he was paying me for the work. When I would ask him, “what do you think about doing the order form this way?” His response would be, “That sounds okay.” He really just was not sure what he wanted. Therefore, when working with a developer and they ask you a question, you should know that they are going to take your response to heart. If you say something is okay, that means that it is okay and they can move on with the project. However, if you are unsure, tell them this so that they do not have to redo work.

#3: When you see things you do not like, notify them immediately

Sometimes as a developer I just make it my responsibility to do things like I would like them done. This means that on occasion I can find myself doing something that the customer does not want. This is not a big problem as I take that risk. However, it can sometimes be frustrating to be working on a certain portion of the website for a while, and then have them notify me several days after the fact that I have put hours into it that it isn’t something they want. Just try to keep them up to date.

#4: Be Patient

A lot of times developing a website is done all behind the scenes. Forms do not naturally work as they are intended as soon as you can see them on a website. There is some backend coding that causes them to become functional in the way you would want them to be. Therefore, sometimes you may not see any progress for days at a time. A good developer will notify you of this. However, do not panic if they don’t. Just email them, ask them what the status is, and they should tell you. Most websites will take weeks to develop especially if you are working with an individual so you will have to have patience.

#5: Never Pay All of It Upfront

With any developer, myself included, I would encourage you to not pay the entire amount of upfront. Most developers will require that you pay something. However, this is usually 20% of the total amount in my experience. After this, they may ask you to pay installments as the project moves along. However, you should be leery of developers who want the entire amount upfront.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): online ecommerce shopping cart software, email marketing software, content management system software, and knowledge management software by Interspire.

Best Ecommerce Shopping Cart Selection

June 11, 2009

Making the right selection of an ecommerce shopping cart is about giving you the best opportunity to succeed in online business. A shopping cart that simply does not work as intended can not only be a headache for you, but also for those who are attempting to buy from you. Those who are having trouble may opt to leave and buy from someone else. This lowers your profit or could diminish it all together depending on how severe your problems are. It is very important to have a shopping cart that works and does what you need it to do. Below are some things to look for in making the best commerce shopping selection possible.

Maintenance is Made Easy

You may be thinking at this point that you will only be selling a few products on your site. However, countless people have become successful online and they want to offer new brands of their products or simply offer other items all together. Therefore, I always encourage people to find a shopping cart that will allow them to easily maintain their products. If it does not, then it really does leave you at a disability of expanding your business in the future.

The Shopping Cart Meets Your Needs

Unless there is simply no way to get around it, always try to find a shopping cart that meets your needs perfectly. Although PHP developers are plentiful, they do not always like to work on pre-existing code that they are not familiar with. It takes them more time to learn the code before they can actually make changes to it. Since this is the case, it will often pay off in the long run to pay a little bit more for a shopping cart that is already in perfectly working condition for you upon its initial setup on your website. Not only this, but the developer is also responsible for maintaining this portion of the script instead of you forking over money to get it updated as well after each time the shopping cart is upgraded to a newer version.

Trim the Fat!

Many people make the mistake of getting a shopping cart that has a ton of features. They feel that more features means much more value. However, this is really a misconception. More features frequently means that it will be more confusing for you to update. As well, it could cause your ordering process to be more complex, which is something you want to avoid in the world of ecommerce. In theory, you ideally want to get the information from clients as quickly as possible to not allow them the time to change their mind. Therefore, asking unnecessary questions, having a 10 step order process, or anything as should be avoided when possible. Finding a shopping cart that simply meets your needs is more ideal than one with too many features.

Customer Service is Important

Even though the script looks professional in the demo, it does not always mean that the documentation you receive when you make the purchase is going to be of the same quality. Undoubtedly, the best of developers may need help from the company in getting it setup properly. The unfortunate part is that not all companies do a good job of helping their customers. This means that this is something you should check before you make the purchase. It can simply be done by contacting them with a few questions about the script. Typically the timeframe that it takes for them to respond as well as the quality of their response is something you can expect as well if you have other questions after the purchase. It pays off in the end to check all your bases possible before buying any shopping cart software.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

Choosing a PHP Shopping Cart

June 8, 2009

I could sit here and tell you everything that I look for a shopping cart. It would probably be a laundry list of things. However, that is for my own website, and may not fit yours. Since you are selling different items more than likely, you may have a demand for different things. This is why there are also so many shopping carts on the market. Several of them have good customer service, they all run well, but it’s the little things that make their products unique. For this reason, several different shopping carts do sell well online because they are tailored towards different types of business needs. Below though, I have created a few things that should be true for all people who are looking for a good PHP shopping cart. I hope it helps you narrow down your choices.

Must Be Easy to Update Your Website

The most frustrating thing that can happen to anyone is to get their website up and running. The developer helped you get the products added to the website, you go live, and a few weeks later you realize that there are some missing items. You should be aware of how to update your website, because it is only going to be a matter of time before you have a desire to do so. You will want to tweak wording and change things to hopefully help you improve your sales. Believe it or not, there are some shopping carts on the market that make this process near impossible for anyone who is not familiar with HTML or PHP Programming. With that said, if I were you, I would make sure that before you purchase a PHP shopping cart that you understand how to update your products and those types of things. It will save you a headache in the end.

Must Have Good Support from Developers

It is simply natural that anyone who purchases a script is going to have some questions. They will want to know how to work a specific feature, how to set something up, or if there can be a feature added in a future release. Unfortunately, not all shopping carts are supported well. You essentially buy them “as is” and the minute you make your payment you are left on your own to figure things out or fix problems that might be in the script. The tip I offer to anyone who wants to see how good support is, is to simply ask a few questions to their customer service. Generally, in small businesses the people helping in sales / customer service will be the same people answer technical questions after you purchase the script. You will get a good idea of how helpful they will be, how clear their emails are, and how quick you might get a response. It is safe to say that no response probably means you will not get a response when you purchase the script and ask a question then either.

The Shopping Cart Meets But Does Not Surpass Your Needs

This is a tough line to follow because the first priority is to ensure that the script contains all of the features you might need. However, having one with too many can be almost an equally bad thing. Shopping carts with too many features can quickly become so complex that you will find it hard to manage your website. As well, those shopping carts that will virtually work for any website may have a very complex ordering form. This is not something you want if you really do not need it. The idea with ordering forms online is to have exactly what you need and nothing more. Therefore, even a script with too many features may need to be heavily modified just as if one you purchase that maybe does not have all the features you need. Therefore, both are going to cost you money. It is better to find a shopping cart as close to what you need as possible. It will save you money in the long run.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce php shopping cart software by Interspire.

Choosing Top Shopping Cart Software

June 8, 2009

It is a good idea that you are reading this article. It means that you are actually putting some serious thought into which shopping cart you choose. Some people will simply go in head first with a shopping cart that they are unfamiliar with just because they are in a hurry to get their website up. However, this is a very important step. It can make or break you later on down the road. Below are some things to think about when making your choice for which shopping cart is right for you.

Easy to Maintain

Even though you may be only selling a few products upon the release of your site, there is no telling at this point whether you might have a desire to add other products in the future. If this is the case, you do not want the process to be extremely difficult for you, or something that you have to dish out more money to make happen. The purpose of having a quality shopping cart is to be able to do these types of things pretty easily as well as making the ordering process simple for your customers.

It Has the Features that You Need

One of the biggest priorities in choosing a shopping cart is that you must have one that meets your needs. There are many people who take a look at a shopping cart, they buy it, and their intentions are to modify to fit their needs. However, with the vast amount of shopping carts on the market, you should be able to find one that meets most any need right out of the gate. The only exception would be if you just had some idea that was so unique that it would almost have to be custom built. Then, I would consider having your shopping cart built from scratch, not purchasing one with the intention of having it modified.

Not Too Bloated with Unnecessary Features

Having all the features you need in a shopping cart is priority over finding one that has too many. However, you still want to find one that is not overly bloated with features you will never use. This just makes maintaining your site more complicated. As well, the shopping cart may have questions and other things that are unnecessary during the ordering process. These are called bloated questions and should be avoided when possible. For example, if your product is sent via email or available to download, then you probably do not need a shipping address. If you can find one that meets your needs, then stick with that one. Too many features is not a good thing.

Good Customer Service

Although you may have found a shopping cart that has everything you need, there is still one key thing you should be looking for before making a purchase. You should verify that the developer of the script has good customer service. Although many popular developers will have forums and you can see how active they are, others may only take questions via email. If this is the case, simply send an email to them and ask them a few generic questions about the shopping cart. You can evaluate their response and determine whether it is sufficient. It will be a good indication of what you can expect as well if you run into a problem of any kind after the purchase.

Updated Regularly

This is not always a requirement, but it is something just to take a quick look at. Almost always any script will have some problems with it. It may have a few features that are not working properly or some processes that could be done better. The best of shopping carts are no different. Typically, a shopping cart in beta stages or one that has not been updated for a very long time may be okay, others may have problems that are not being addressed. You should verify with the developer selling the script how often the script is updated with new features or fixing bugs. This is also a good indication that if you have a problem, it might be addressed by the developer quickly.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

Ecommerce Shopping Cart Hosting

June 8, 2009

I completely understand when someone who really does not know how to setup a website decides to go for an “all inclusive package”. The ecommerce shopping cart hosting that many businesses are doing these days does have a one stop solution to your needs. However, you should be clearly aware of the real benefits and disabilities of these types of services before you get involved in one.

The Benefits

#1: Easy to Setup

If you are doing a completely custom website, it would take several weeks to get completely setup the way you want. Most businesses simply require a lot of time to be able to complete a job. However, when you get ecommerce shopping cart hosting they will almost always help you setup your shopping cart and get you going pretty quickly. They do it all the time, so they are pretty quick about getting it done.

#2: Good Customer Service

The average web hosting customer service you might get probably will not help you with problems that come up with your shopping cart. Instead, you will have to either figure it out on your own or contact the developers of the script to get help with any problem. When you have ecommerce shopping cart hosting, they are more likely to help you get rid of any problems you may find with your shopping cart itself.

#3: Frequently More Suggestions

This is particularly the case if you are going with ecommerce shopping cart hosting with a relatively small business. They naturally have more interest in ecommerce themselves. With that being the case, and with their more often than not vast amount of experience in ecommerce, they might help push you into the right direction that you need to go. General web hosting the people only help you if your website is down or you have specific problems related to their service. Beyond that, you are on your own most of the time.

The Disabilities

#1: Limited in what you can do

Almost all ecommerce shopping cart hosting uses one, maybe two different kinds of shopping carts. You really do not have a lot of options when it comes to which shopping cart they will setup. This being the case, they will do the bare minimum of a default installation and pretty much leave you at that. It is your responsibility to change anything over that.

#2: More Expensive

You may be thinking I am lying here. But in reality, you are intending for your business to be thriving in roughly a year. Most ecommerce shopping cart hosting I have seen is roughly four times more expensive than standard web hosting. In that time, you could probably purchase most decent shopping carts several times over in what you have invested in monthly expenses of ecommerce shopping cart hosting. Therefore, I still recommend that you weigh out the options for you from a money situation. It could pay off to fork over a little bit of extra money and purchase a good shopping cart and get it installed on cheaper web hosting.

#3: Default is what you get

If you think that just because you purchase ecommerce shopping cart hosting that they will help you setup your products, change colors, and modify the script for you, you must be living a dream world. Businesses almost always will do the bare minimum. It increases their profit margin because they are spending less time doing things. Therefore, when you search for ecommerce shopping cart hosting, you must look at how the demo appears. You probably will not get much more than what is shown there, if anything. That includes changing themes or doing anything to alter the visual appearance of your website as well.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

PHP Shopping Cart Software Benefits

June 5, 2009

Are you looking for a shopping cart right now? Are you having trouble deciding between two shopping carts even though you know that they may be done in different languages? This is a common problem. As there are so many shopping carts on the market right now, it can be really difficult making the decision which shopping cart would just so happen to be right for you. If you are trying to make the choice between PHP or any other language, let me just be blunt on this issue: go with the PHP shopping cart. I do not think that you will regret your decision in the long run.

It is Easy to Find Developers

I can not tell you how many times I have purchased a script, wanted to change something small, and found a developer to make the change for me. While I almost always try to find scripts that do not need altering, there have been several times where it was simply unavoidable. This being the case, PHP is a language that has many developers. Some of these other languages have a very limited amount of programmers to choose from. Since this is the case, they almost always charge a lot more for any work they do. I have seen upwards of 5 or 6 times more the rates that they charge. If you go to the right place, some foreign PHP programmers will charge around $10 to $20 per hour. That is roughly the going rate for a good PHP programmer to do work on your scripts.

Most Web Hosting Does Support It

If you do not know a lot about what you are doing when you purchase web hosting, you most likely have purchased some type that supports PHP. The vast majority on the market do. However, there are other languages that your web hosting may not support. For example, if you are looking at a shopping cart that is coded with the language of asp, you will almost always need to find web hosting that supports that. In fact, most do not and that is why it can cost you more in the future as well. PHP is simply a language that is popular enough that most web hosting companies realize they must offer support for it to be competitive in their field.

PHP is Very Secure

When you are working ecommerce, there is no doubt that security is a big concern. You do not want to accidentally have your website hacked. This not only looks bad on you, but could cost you a lot of money in the end if you are found guilty of not properly protecting clients’ information. However, hacking is not as big of a concern if the programming is done properly when it comes to PHP. PHP is actually just a language that tells the server to do something. Therefore, everything that it does is always unseen by the average user. This is not to say that if you use PHP that your site can not be hacked. It is simply saying that processing client information with PHP is frequently done and not a security risk.

Easy Integration

Since PHP is really built to drive websites, scripts are frequently done in a way that makes integration of the script extremely easy. Therefore, many shopping carts that you feel would work right out of the box you may be able to setup yourself. Even if you do not know much about programming a little guidance from forums and reading the installation instructions could save you a lot of money. This way, you are not hiring someone else to do it for you. Not all PHP scripts are done in a way that makes it easy, but many are so it is hit and miss one which ones you can do yourself and which ones you cannot if you not familiar with PHP programming.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

Software Shopping Cart for Ecommerce

June 5, 2009

I understand how it is when you are trying to find a shopping cart. It is kind of like going to shoe store where all there are is small black and white pictures of the shoes. You do not get to try them out, you have a fairly fuzzy point of view of whether they will work for you, and yet you are expecting them to work flawlessly. Unfortunately, ecommerce shopping carts are exactly this way. There are so many on the market it is tough to make a decision without fully trying them out. The demo’s are typically limited so you can not fully see how the shopping cart is going to perform for what you need. Just before making the purchase, you almost have to depend on the developer’s description of what features it includes and take his word for it that it will work for you. Here is some things to really look for though that you might be able to find before you make your decision on which shopping cart to install on your website.

Stick to PHP Shopping Carts

There are numerous shopping carts on the market in several different programming languages. PHP shopping carts, however, give you the security you need along with the flexibility to make modifications. As long as the script is not going to be encoded (which is something you should verify), you should be able to find developers at affordable rates to help you add or remove features as you see fit. This is the key for saving you money down the road.

Find Ecommerce Shopping Cart’s that are as close to what you need as possible

If there is one thing you get from this entire article, it is that you should find a shopping cart that meets your needs as closely as possible. This means from both angles as well. You want a shopping cart that has all the features you need. You also want a shopping cart that limits the features that you will not be using. What I did when I was looking for a shopping cart is print out a sheet that gave all the features a shopping cart had. I crossed through the features that I did not need, I also added to the list with a red pen the features that were not included. After doing this, I evaluated my red markings. If there were tons of things that were crossed through, but I had another shopping cart that just had one thing that I needed added to it, I would go with the one that was lacking my one feature that I needed for my website. In reality, it was cheaper and easier for me to get one feature added than it was to remove tons of features for an overly bloated ecommerce shopping cart script.

This is not to say that if you marked two features off but had one feature to add that you should go with the shopping cart where you need to add a feature. Frequently it is cheaper to remove something than it is to add to a script. So you really need to weigh your options. Other features may not need to be removed at all as long as it is not something that gets in the way of the ordering process or causes problems when trying to maintain the website. Overall, you are looking for the cheapest, yet best option for the long run of a successful ecommerce business.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

The Problem with Free Ecommerce Shopping Carts

June 5, 2009

I am really not shocked why people would contemplate using a free ecommerce shopping cart. Most of the time you would prefer to spend your money in other areas if you can by with it. Also, general development of a website is not always the cheapest of things. If you spent money already on other things, you may simply be limited on funds. However, finding a good free ecommerce shopping cart is not always the easiest thing to do. There are many problems that you might be faced with that you should consider beforehand.

#1: Lack of Customer Service

Generally speaking, there is a severe lack of customer service on free products. Since there is no funding coming in to support projects, generally, they simply do not have any customer service to help with issues at all. Therefore, if you ask a question, it may sit in a person’s inbox for a long time before answered or even worse, perhaps no response at all. When there is no incentive to really support a product, most developers will get bored or move on to other projects.

#2: No Leg to Stand On For New Update Requests

One of the biggest problems I have ran into is when I would like to see the software updated with a new feature. When you have purchased a product, generally they are much more willing to help you. This is especially the case if you are paying a monthly fee or something. They want to keep you as a customer and make you happy in anyway they can. So if they can add a feature, it is not so uncommon to see it added later on in future updates. With a free shopping cart, asking for specific features is like pulling teeth. They just do not want to do it and many will take the mentality that since the product is free, you have no right to give input on what features it needs to include.

#3: Very Few Updates

Most people just assume if there is a bug found in software that the developers will hurry up and release an update for it. This is rarely the case though. As mentioned previously, many developers who release free products will move on to other projects or simply stop offering support. Therefore, they are no longer working on it to ensure that it works flawlessly and as intended. If it is a PHP script, then this is even a bigger problem. As PHP does frequently upgrade, if you are forced to by your web host, you may be impacted by seeing that the script no longer works at all. This, of course is the worst case scenario. Generally, it will be small things that you find broken, but you know they will never be fixed.

#4: Sometimes Poor Coding

This is not always the case, but I have run across several free scripts were simply not written very well. The code can cause load times to be slow and sometimes use more resources than really needed. As well, poor coding can result in doing your own updates near impossible if you are fairly new to programming. Many times you encounter scripts that were simply given to others because they worked, but nothing more than that. It was not that they worked flawlessly or to perfection. But many free scripts simply serve their purpose and nothing more. It is a sad situation when you want to modify a script to work specifically for you and not what the developer had in mind.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

The Amazing Online Shopping Cart

June 3, 2009

So you are searching for the single most amazing online shopping cart ever? Let me tell you, I could probably give you a name of the one I prefer. However, you may take a look at it and realize that it simply would not work for you. That is why there are so many shopping carts on the market right now. Many have the same basic function of allowing people to order products. However, some are tailored to those actually mailing items. Others are tailored towards people who are offering a product for download online. There are so many differences in people’s needs that it has increased the demand for a wider variety of shopping carts. For this reason, I can not simply give you a name and you go buy it. You will have to continue to do your own research. The one thing I can do though is give you some things to look for. Below is my list.

Easy to Integrate into an Existing Website

There is nothing more frustrating than to purchase a script but find out it was nearly impossible to get installed on your website and have it look good. This is a good question to ask the developers of the ecommerce shopping cart so that you can see how easy it will be to get it installed. You might even ask for the documentation that comes with the script before you make the purchase. This way you can look it over and see how complex it is.

Very Customizable

Even though the script is easy to integrate into a design, this does not mean that the script is going to be customizable. The colors may not match at all. You will want to ensure that you can change the color, font, and widths of the shopping cart so that you can get it as close to looking like it is a custom one as possible. Generally, this is not a huge problem for anyone who is familiar with CSS and HTML. However, it is nice if they have it setup in a way that will make it even easier for you by changing just a few variables or something along those lines.

Easy to Update

When most people think of the term “shopping cart” they simply think of a way for people to order their products. However, something that goes unnoticed frequently is the ability to add new products or manage existing ones. Part of being in internet marketing is that you will want to test things out. You may want to change the wording on the description of a product, change the name a little bit, or maybe even change the picture of the product. If this is not easy to alter, then you will be spending a lot of unnecessary time making changes. Ensure that products are easy to update.

Good Customer Service from the Developers

It does not matter how savvy of a person you are with programming or websites in general, you will almost always have to ask a question or two. Unfortunately, not all shopping carts have great support from the developer side. What I always try to encourage people to do before buying anything online is to contact the company and just ask them a couple of questions. Even if you already know the answer, it is a good way to see how quick they respond and what kind of quality of response you might get. If all they do is send you to their documentation or give you a short one sentence answer, then you might decide to look elsewhere. Especially if it took you several days to receive any type of response, I would not buy from such a company. Worst yet, if you did not receive a response, do not buy from them!

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.

Web Shopping Cart Features to Consider

June 3, 2009

It can be hard to find the right shopping cart for your needs. However, there are some features that you should be aware of that you might need. It is not safe to assume that all shopping carts include all of the features listed below. When in doubt, ask them! It never hurts, if anything, it helps, to talk with the developers about what features you need. You can see if they really want you as a client of theirs or not when you tell them you need specific features and see what their response is. They may or may not add the features you need, however, below are some of the basic ones that you might keep an eye out for.

Shipping Prices

Lucky for us, USPS, UPS, and FedEx are all businesses that people commonly use for shipping certain items. To top it off, they actually have systems in place so that web developers can calculate shipping expenses right from their own website. Therefore, many of the shopping carts on the market right now will automatically figure out the expense and add it to the total price for you. This is something to consider if you are going to be shipping products that are bought from your ecommerce store.

Electronic Software Delivery (ESD)

If you are not going to have a demand for shipping products, you are most likely going to be providing some type of software or files of some kind. For example, if you sell an ebook, you will not be mailing this on a CD to a house. Instead, you might send them a link to download it via email or send the file as an attachment in an email. If this is the case, you will need an ESD feature, or Electronic Software Delivery feature, to help get the software and/or files quickly to those who make a purchase.


Unfortunately, many states are beginning to regulate the internet sales. They see that more and more people are selling and buying items online. They just want a piece of the pie. However, it has always been mandated that you apply tax to items sold to other people in your state. In a nutshell, this feature will apply taxes for your state to the total price when it is deemed necessary. This way, you stay legal in your online business and it does not require a lot of effort from your end.

Discounts and Promotions

Apparently some shopping cart developers have assumed that once you have an ecommerce site you will never offer a single promotion or discount on any of your products. This is annoying and typically something you will want to change later on down the road in any shopping cart software you have. Many shopping carts though offer this feature upfront and it is something you should keep an eye out for.

Variety of Payment Methods

The unfortunate side of online business is that not everyone uses the same type of payment method. Some prefer to send a check, others will want to pay with a credit card, and still others will have some type of service like PayPal that they will prefer to use. The fortunate part is that you can accept all these types of payments if you use a shopping cart that will support all of them. It will pay off in the end to accept a wide variety of payments that way you are not limiting which visitors to your website can actually buy from you.

Grow by leaps and bounds with software to skyrocket your business (and without hiring your own software development team): email marketing software, content management system software, and ecommerce shopping cart software by Interspire.